Message Board

This message board is meant to be a forum or meeting place for Hollyburn Cross Country Ski Club members.

  • Do you need to talk to other Hollyburn Cross Country Ski Club members?
  • Need a skiing partner?
  • Need to carpool to the ski hill?

All posts expire 45 days from the date of posting.

Fill in the form to the right and we will post it to the message board. Your email address will automatically appear at the end of the message.

Please note that the gear swap has moved to a spreadsheet on Google Sheets, see the October, 2023 newsletter for the link.

Select Category:  All | Car-Pooling | General | Lost & Found | Off-Season Activities

Seeking a chariot/pulke


My son turns 1 in December and I am looking forward to skiing with him. Looking for a used chariot with ski attachment/ kinder glider etc. I do both skate and classic.

Thank you 🙂


F1 Sprint Roller Skis

F1 Spring roller skis with Saloman binding. In good shape. Limited wear on the wheels. They have been sitting in storage – waiting for a new racer who needs dry land training wheels 🙂

Price $150.00


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