Coaching Courses and Schedule

Being a coach is a fun and rewarding experience. The Hollyburn Cross Country Ski Club will be offering coach training sessions to help you deliver a positive and fun learning experience to the kids. It is a great opportunity to get out of the house, meet other new coaches (experienced ones too) and improve your fitness and skiing technique.

These sessions are open to all members of the club irrespective of skiing ability. You should come out if:

  • You are not a coach but are interested in becoming one
  • You are already a coach and would like to improve your coaching methods as well as your skiing technique
  • You are not a coach but are interested in becoming one in subsequent years
  • You are interested in becoming a coach’s assistant to help an experienced coach and determine if you would like to coach in future years
For more information on coaching courses see the Coaching Certification Process.
On-line courses can be taken anytime. To see the schedule of in-person courses, see  To register for a Hollyburn run coaching workshop contact”