Our Programs
We support skiers to develop to their potential and encourage a life-long love of skiing in a fun, social environment.
Skills Development Program
Jackbunny: Age 5
The objective of the Jackbunny program is to have fun and introduce cross-country skiing through organized activities and play.
- The program will be offered on weekends during Saturday AM, Sunday AM and Sunday PM sessions. Each session will last two hours with a hot chocolate break.
- Coaches in the Jackbunny program have completed the Introduction to Community Coaching workshop as a minimum.
Jackrabbits: Age 6-9
The objective of the Jackrabbit program is to have fun while learning basic cross-country skills both classic and skating (Level 3 & 4).
- The program will be offered on weekends during Saturday AM, Sunday AM and Sunday PM sessions. Each session will last 2½ hours with a hot chocolate break. The morning session commences at 9:00 a.m. and the afternoon session at 1:00 p.m.
The program has levels 1 to 4.
- For levels 3 and 4 skiers, an additional weeknight session will be offered. Skiers are strongly encouraged to attend this weeknight session in order to receive the most benefit from the program and there will be no fee reduction if the participant does not attend. The focus of this weeknight session will be to ski and play games and the groupings are less formal than on weekends with the main objective being to provide an opportunity for the children to ski twice a week.
- Registration in the Jackrabbit program should be performed first by skill level and the second by age (see the Registration Guide). The session coordinators will create preliminary groupings and review these groupings with the coaches and readjust their groups accordingly.
- Coaches in the Jackrabbit program have completed the ICC and CC workshops.
Track Attack: Age 10 – 12
The objective of the Track Attack Program is to become technically competent cross-country skiers and develop fitness through active play, games and other activities.
- The Track Attack program will be offered Saturday AM and Sunday AM only. There will be no weekend afternoon sessions offered for Track Attack. Each weekend session will have a duration of approximately 2 1/2 hours and the start time will be 9:00 a.m.
- A weeknight session will also be offered on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights and it will have a duration of 1¼ hours.
- The season will begin as soon as there is sufficient snow and weeknight skiing will begin as soon as Cypress Mountain begins night operations.
- The off-season activities will consist of dryland sessions in the spring and fall. The focus of these sessions is on fun through games, activities and age-appropriate training circuits/stations while following the guidelines of the Long-Term Athlete Development (LTAD) guidelines and the Track Attack Booklet.
- Skiers will have the opportunity to race at local and provincial races with coaching and wax support.
- Coaches in the Track Attack program have either completed Level 2 NCCP certification or the LTT Dryland and LTT On-Snow workshops.
Race Team (ages 13+)
Joining the Race Team is a fun way to develop your fitness, skiing and competition skills in a supportive team environment. If you like racing and want to train to be better at it, this is the program for you.
There is one team and one program for all athletes from 13 years old to university aged athletes or older. All team members train together but at the same time the workouts are tailored to each athlete’s ability. This allows the younger athletes to learn from their more advanced teammates.
Racing opportunities will vary with the athletes’ age and ability. All athletes should attend the Coast Cup series and the BC Cup series of races. Older/more advanced athletes can attend higher level races including the Western Canadian and National Championships.
- Designed for skiers who would like to reach their full potential as racers through technique and fitness improvement in a fun, social team atmosphere.
- For a range of interest from those who have the goal of making the BC Team to those who just want to train and participate in races.
- Also for athletes who have graduated from high school and are in university or older but want to continue to take part in the Race Team at a level that their schedule allows.
- Opportunity to race at local, provincial and national races with coaching and wax support.
- Opportunity to take part in loppets.
- Fitness testing program.
- Individualized training programs when suitable.
- Opportunity to become a coach in later years (16+).
- Coached by level II (LTT) coaches and Level III (T2T) and L2C coaches.
New Race Team members must contact Head Coach Jake Weaver at 604-988-3164 before registering.
Adventurers (ages 13-18)
For those Teens that are recreationally-focused and are also interested in other types of ski experiences. This program has the following structure:
- Two-day per week winter ski program – Saturday or Sunday morning and Wednesday or Thursday in the evening. See the Program Schedule for details.
- Opportunity to participate in fall dryland training.
- Emphasis on fun, variety of activities and skiing for life.
- Activities available include backcountry skiing, loppets and local races.
- Coached by level II (LTT) coaches.
- Opportunity to become a coach in later years (14+)
- Coach training is paid for by the club and teenage coaches will be paid.
Graduate Coaching/Volunteer Program
We encourage any “graduates” of our programs to stay involved in the club by volunteering in whatever capacity they wish. For example, you could help out as Coach’s Assistant or, if you are 14 or older, you could take the NCCP coaching courses to become a certified coach. Either way, you would be teamed with an older, more experienced coach. The coaching courses are usually offered in the fall. Any time contributed to the club can be used for school volunteer requirements.
Adult/Masters Program (19+)
Under the Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) model, Hollyburn Cross Country Ski Club is proud to promote skiing for life. The Hollyburn Masters Ski Program is aimed at intermediate and experienced skiers (no beginners please) who are interested in refining their technique, improving their fitness, skiing in a team environment, having fun, and maybe even entering a race or two. Beginners are encouraged to first take lessons from Cypress before joining the Masters program. Members are expected to supply their own equipment for both styles of skiing. The sessions will be once a week and split between classic and skate techniques.