Hollyburn Cross Country Ski Club is pleased to be the host for the 2018 Teck BC Cup #1 this season. We will also integrate two days of Teck Coast Cup events (with club banner points for clubs in the Coast region) and, for those born in 2003 (Juvenile) or 2004 (Midget), the BC Winter Games Trials for Zones 3, 4 and 5 (on Saturday only).
Parking: A limited number of parking passes for the upper parking lot (P3) will be available to each club, which will allow parking from the venue opening at 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Please send one club representative to pick yours up at the race office on Saturday morning. All others must park below in lots P1 or P2. You will be able to drop off passengers and equipment near the upper lot turnaround area before parking below.
Hollyburn participants: This event is part of the Hollyburn program (but still requires participants to register for the races) and there will be no sessions at Cypress on this particular weekend. Parents, please consider signing up to volunteer. Note, the minimum age to enter is five years old. There will therefore be no sessions on this weekend for four-year-old bunnies.
Photos: Photos from January 7 have now been posted. Click here to view or purchase them.
Friday, January 5 – Training Day
Saturday, January 6 – Teck BC Cup #1, Teck Coast Cup #2, BC Winter Games Trials (Zones 3, 4 and 5)
Sunday, January 7 – Teck BC Cup #1, Teck Coast Cup #3
Click on the links below for further details.
Race Registration: On Zone4
Registration Deadline: Wednesday, January 3, 2018 at midnight (No Exceptions)
Volunteer Registration: On Zone4
Race Notice: Click here
Course Maps:
Stadium Maps:
Technical Guidelines: See CCBC Technical Guidelines
Executive Suites Hotel & Resort Squamish
Phone: 1-877-815-0048 or 1-604-815-0048
Website: executivesuitessquamish.com
Email: info@executivesuitessquamish.com
The Squamish Executive Suites Hotel is the preferred accommodation in Squamish for the Teck BC Cup #1, offering great rates for participants and others. Ask for the “Nordic” rate when you call or email for booking. Click here to see a sheet with rates and further details.
Additional Squamish Accommodation
See tourismsquamish.com.
Whistler Accommodation
The closest accommodation is at the Whistler Athletes’ Centre, although it is generally booked up early, and the HI Whistler hostel. See tourismwhistler.com for additional options.
Whistler Olympic Park, the site of the 2010 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games, is located just 16 km southwest of Whistler, 50 km north of Squamish and 115 km north of Vancouver in beautiful British Columbia, Canada. Access to the event site is on fully paved roads and there is adequate onsite parking. Typical drive times are:
See the map below for directions.
Access Hours
Please ensure that you have left the venue by closing.
Venue Links
Start Lists and results will be posted on Zone4 as the events complete. Watch Zone4 for live results as well. Click on the links below for direct access as they are posted.
Saturday, January 6 – Interval Start Classic Technique
Sunday, January 7 – Mass Start Free Technique